Authorised Representative
According to the WEEE Directive, producers who sell their products directly to end users in another EU member state needs to appoint an Authorised Representative (AR) in the country where the product is shipped to. The AR takes over the legal obligations as a producer.
Common examples of when the producer needs to appoint an AR
• Manufacturers/sellers outside the EU (e.g. USA, China or Japan) who want to sell their products on the Swedish market need to appoint an AR in Sweden in order to be able to register in the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s EE register.
• A Swedish producer who sells electronic equipment remotely to a user in another EU Member State needs to appoint an AR in that country.
• A producer who sells electronic equipment remotely from another EU Member State to end users in Sweden appoint an AR in Sweden. The same applies to a branch, since the branch is then part of a foreign-based company.
• A producer within the EU who sells to a Swedish producer but wants to fulfil the producer responsibility instead of the Swedish producer, needs to appoint an AR in Sweden.
The implementation of the directive may differ between member states. More information about the implementations in the different member states can be found on the European Weee Registers Network.
El-Kretsen offers the service to act as Authorised Representative
El-Kretsen offers the service to act as Authorised Representative for affiliated producers.
The annual fee for the service is 5 000 SEK. The fee includes the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s annual supervision fee (1 000 SEK), registration and all other administration at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
In order to sign the AR agreement, you must first be affiliated to El-Kretsen and have signed the Affiliation Agreement for products and the Reporting Agreement for products.
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Not yet affiliated to El-Kretsen?
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Is your company not affiliated to El-Kretsen and you want to appoint us as your AR?