Professional equipment
Professional equipment is equipment that will not be used in private households and that has not been exempted in the Ordinance. Examples of professional equipment could be hospital equipment like beds, x-ray machines and other products with integrated electronics. Other examples could be laboratory equipment, illuminated road signs, school whiteboards, cash registers or industrial control instruments.
If you are one of our affiliated producers of professional equipment, you can refer your end customers to our collection system when practicable. Many of Sweden’s recycling centres are prepared to receive company waste, and if the volumes are small enough and the products fit in our containers, that is no problem.
Should you, however, need to recycle bulky products or large volumes, get in touch with us to see if we can pick the WEEE up from your location or from a designated area. Such pickups will be quoted in two parts with one relating to the container needed and the other one to the transport, as the total cost will depend on what kind of WEEE it is and the distance we need to transport it.
If you have an affiliation agreement, you will declare your sales volumes and we will then take care of the annual reporting to the EPA. There is no extra charge for this if you have signed a reporting agreement. The reporting covers the volumes you have placed on the market as well as an allocation of the volumes of professional WEEE handled by El-Kretsen. These volumes are divided up between the customers and product categories that have been declared during the year.
Despite the fact that we cannot take over the responsibility in the same way as we can for consumer equipment, we can still be useful to you. Our offer to manage the collection, administration and reporting for you as well as enable you to access our information and refer any questions to us helps producers of professional equipment to fulfil their producer responsibility, too. Are you still wondering whether to get affiliated? Get in touch with us and let us talk it over on the basis of your specific situation and needs.
You can find the legislation in its entirety here (in Swedish).

Fees and charges
El-Kretsen’s price list for producers lists the annual fees relating to different agreements as well as the environmental fees for products and batteries. The latter have been divided into product categories with individual codes to provide fair fees that represent the actual cost related to the different categories. The size of monitors and screens, for example, plays an important role in the cost of both transport and recycling, and this is reflected in the price list. These fees are paid when a product is placed on the market and the money is used for the collection and treatment of the WEEE that comes in. It is not unusual for these products to be between 10 and 15 years old. For the collection of professional equipment, the price list cannot specify all the possible costs involved, as professional equipment can be very different from consumer WEEE both with respect to shape and volume. For this reason, the price list clarifies that a quote for the collection of professional WEEE may include charges in addition to the environmental fee.
The Declaration Portal – everything in one place
As our customer you get your own Declaration Portal. Here, we have gathered all kinds of facts ranging from information on product classification to certificates, agreements and statistics. This is also where you do your monthly or quarterly reporting.
To join, please fill in a customer application. Once your application has been approved, you will receive your log-in details for the Declaration Portal so that you can log in and enter into the agreement(s) of your choice. This will then enable you to access your certificates, which you will need to be able to register with the Swedish EPA.
Affiliate to El-Kretsen
To join, please fill in a customer application.
The Swedish EPA, Naturvårdsverket, is the responsible supervisory authority, and it charges an annual fee from all producers. For more guidance on producer responsibility, and to register your company, please visit their website.
Do you export electrical and electronic equipment? Find out more here.