Our services for producer responsibility

Batteries and electrical equipment – these requirements apply

Producer responsibility covers more or less all products that require leads or batteries to function. Accessories for these products are also included, for example connection boxes, keyboards and remote controls. There are certain exceptions, such as products intended to be sent out into space, military equipment, implants and medical devices that may become contagious, large fixed installations, vehicles and other mobile machinery.

The Ordinance distinguishes between “consumer EEE” and “other electronic equipment”. To make things simpler and clearer, we choose to call the latter “professional electronic equipment”. Whether a product is classed as consumer equipment or professional (“other”) equipment depends on its function and its normal area of use. It does not matter who your customer is, i.e. whether you are selling B2B or B2C. A product that can be used both in a household and professionally (for example in a business, a school or an industrial setting) comes under the heading of “dual use”, which in turn is classified as consumer EEE. This means that telephones, laptops and electric screwdrivers are regarded as consumer EEE regardless of who buys them. Examples of professional EEE could be institutional kitchen equipment and laboratory equipment.

Many of El-Kretsen’s customers deal with both consumer and professional EEE. One good reason for producers to declare everything with El-Kretsen is that they get an overall picture of their statistics. Even if our collection system was primarily constructed to deal with consumer WEEE, we know it is also used for professional WEEE. As long as a product can fit into our collection containers, we don’t mind this; on the contrary, we regard it as a positive development that our infrastructure is used to the max. If a producer needs to deposit large and bulky items or substantial volumes, we will help them find a viable solution.

Below are our services relating to consumer equipment and professional equipment

Part of our serviceConsumer equipmentProfessional equipment
Declaration via our portal
Access to product library
Advice & Consultation
Compiled statistics
Environmental parameters relating to the statistics
Reporting to the Swedish EPA
The use of El-Kretsen’s information materials
National collection through 290 municipalities as well as retailers
Cost-efficient offer for on-site returns or collection

Read more about what we offer

All electrical equipment with integrated batteries is covered by two separate regulations: The Swedish Ordinance on Producer Responsibility for Electrical and Electronic Equipment (SFS 2014:1075) and the Ordinance on Producer Responsibility for Batteries (SFS 2008:834).


Batteries come under a separate ordinance which covers most types of batteries apart from those intended to be sent into space and those that have been manufactured for military purposes. Batteries are divided into three groups: portable batteries (the most common kind), industrial batteries (intended for industrial use or for electric vehicles such as electric bicycles) and car batteries. We can help you fulfil your producer responsibility regarding all kinds of batteries, but we distinguish between portable batteries and large, non-portable industrial batteries as they require quite different handling.

Portable batteries

Small (“everyday”) batteries, small industrial batteries and car batteries.


Companies that place packaging on the Swedish market have producer responsibility. Just as for electronics and batteries, you have producer responsibility if you manufacture or import packaging; but packaging producer responsibility also applies if you import a pre-packaged product, fill a package with a product or add packaging material to an existing product. For those of you who want to declare packaging, batteries and electrical equipment in one place, we have two offers depending on whether you sell to Europe or only within Sweden.